Careers Information, Advice and Guidance
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At Granville, we believe good Careers and Impartial Advice and Guidance (IAG) are essential for all young people throughout their education. Impartial 1-1 careers guidance (delivered by Mr.Lambeth - Careers Lead) is a major factor in raising aspirations and developing a ‘can do’ resilient attitude. These qualities will encourage students to become more engaged in opportunities available at school, in the local community and further afield.
Alongside reaching their academic potential, we want every child to leave Granville with a full range of outstanding ‘employability’ skills, such as self-motivation, team work and entrepreneurial skills.
Through their Values lessons, all students receive regular, structured Careers Education from Year 7 through to Year 11. In addition, specialists from a variety of Post 16 and 18 providers frequently present to or work with whole year groups or small groups. These sessions are followed up during lessons to embed the information further and allow for additional issues to be discussed.
For more information, please contact Mr C Lambeth (Careers, Work Experience and Aspirations Lead) on 01283 216765 or email:
Careers Entitlement
We are committed to providing a planned programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance which focuses on developing the following skills for students:
· Career Management
· Career Self Development
· Career Exploration
Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance
Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is extremely useful in preparing students for the opportunities and challenges of adult and working life. CEIAG is seen as playing an important role in motivating our students to maximise their academic and personal achievement whilst at school.
CEIAG is taught across the school and we acknowledge that an effective CEIAG programme will increase the student's life chances and make it more likely that the individual student reaches their full potential.
To complement our CIAG offer, Mr.Lambeth, the school Careers Lead, will see every student in Year 11 prior to college/6th form application dates, for a 1-1 careers meeting. These meetings are to support students to understand their options, with their future career ideas being explored together. Mr. Lambeth helps students to make their own choices, and support them onto their next steps, whether it be college, 6th form or work-based training such as apprenticeships.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy (CEIAG)
For more information, please contact Mr C Lambeth (Careers, Work Experience and Aspirations Lead) on 01283 216765 or email:
Students can request a careers interview with Mr. Lambeth our Careers, Work Experience & Aspirations Lead. They can visit him in his office at break/lunch in the Careers Office in the Shakespeare Block, or email him at the address above.