Our most recent Ofsted report from December 2024 can be downloaded below. Some of the highlights from this report can be found here:
"The school has an unwavering ambition for pupils. Staff have high expectations of pupils, and success is celebrated."
"The school’s values of ‘work hard, be kind and choose wisely’ are well known by all."
"There are positive relationships between staff and pupils. This helps pupils to feel safe and happy at school."
"Behaviour in lessons is calm and purposeful."
"The school, with the support of the trust, has made significant improvements to the curriculum."
"Teachers are well trained. They have strong subject knowledge in the subjects that they teach."
"Teachers use questioning well to check pupils’ understanding, challenge thinking and resolve misconceptions."
"The school promotes a love of reading."
"Pupils benefit from a wide range of opportunities outside the curriculum, including residential trips to France, Kenya and Madrid."
"The school offers many extra-curricular clubs to develop pupils’ talents and interests. They can learn to play a musical instrument and take part in school performances."
"There are many leadership opportunities, for example as a well-being ambassador who supports other pupils."
"Pupils benefit from effective careers education and guidance. Events such as careers fairs provide pupils and their parents with detailed information about the opportunities available."
"The provision to support pupils’ personal development is comprehensive. Through both ‘values’ lessons and assemblies, pupils become well informed about life in modern Britain."
"Pupils enjoy their lessons and do their best."
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Ofsted Report - Inspection December 2024 |