Parental Engagement at Granville

Parental Engagement Opportunities




Target Year Groups

Wednesday 11th September

Parent Power – Homework

All Year Groups

Monday 16th September

Parent Power – Revision

Year 11

Friday 25th October

SEND Parent coffee morning

All Year Groups

Week beginning 4th November

Parental book looks – Core subjects

All Year Groups

Week beginning 11th November

Parental book looks – Foundation subjects

All Year Groups

Friday 13th December

SEND Parent coffee morning

All Year Groups

Thursday 16th January

Parents Evening – Year 10

Year 10

Thursday 30th January

Parents Evening – Year 11

Year 11

Monday 3rd February

Parent Power – Revision

Year 10

Friday 7th February

SEND Parent Coffee morning

All Year Groups

Thursday 13th February

Parents Evening – Year 9

Year 9

Week beginning 24th February

Parental book looks – Core

All Year Groups

Thursday 27th February

Options Evening

Year 9

Week beginning 3rd March

Parental book looks – Foundation

All Year Groups

Thursday 13th March

Parents Evening – Year 7

Year 7

Wednesday 19th – Friday 21st March

Proposed Production Dates (TBC)

All Years

Thursday 27th March

Parents Evening – Year 8

Year 8

Friday 28th March

SEND Coffee Morning

All Year Groups

Week beginning 2nd June

Parental book look – Core

All Years

Week beginning 9th June

Parental book looks – Foundation subjects

All Years

Thursday 12th June

Granville’s got Talent

All Years

Friday 18th July

SEND Coffee morning

All Year Groups


Additional opportunities to increase parental awareness

  • Being a parent Governor – commitment to up to 4 meetings a year – interested please contact
  • Weekly Newsletter from the Executive Principal providing curriculum updates, curriculum links and recent events
  • Alongside parental book looks, the academy Website provides curriculum links to inform and support parents and carers to know what my child is studying each year 
  • ClassCharts as a forum to know how your child is engaging within school, their timetable, homework/extended learning opportunities and attendance levels
  • Seneca an additional homework/extended learning platform for parents and carers to have increased knowledge of what their child is engaging in and being set