Year 11 Subject Topics Leading up to GCSE Exams

Year 11 Run-In Documents

As we approach the final stages of Year 11, each subject area has carefully planned a run-in document to guide students through the remaining weeks of learning. These documents are designed to ensure that key topics are revisited and consolidated, giving students a clear understanding of their learning journey in preparation for their final assessments.

The run-in documents have been created based on students' Question Level Analysis (QLAs) throughout Year 11, allowing teachers to focus on areas where students may need additional support. It is important to note that some subject areas may have more time allocated within their documents than others, depending on the demands of their scheme of work and coursework expectations.

These documents will be uploaded to the discussion section on Showbie and the school website over the next week. However, please be aware that these are working documents — teachers will continuously adjust and update them based on the progress and needs of their students. This ensures that the learning experience remains flexible and responsive.

For the most up-to-date version of any document, we encourage you to check Showbie regularly.

Additionally, subjects such as English, Science, History, and Geography have upcoming final mock exams, and their run-in documents will be updated and uploaded after those assessments to reflect the latest student performance.



Art Run In document 

Business Studies Run In document 

Drama Run In document 

Design Technology Run In document - Coming Soon 

Engineering Run In document 

English Run In document - Coming Soon 

Food Run In document 

Geography Run In document - Coming Soon 

Health and Social Care Run In document 

History Run In document - Coming Soon 

ICT Run In document 

Maths Run In document - Coming Soon 

MFL Run In document 

PE Run In document 

RE Run In document 

Science Run In document - Coming Soon