Back to Key InformationOver Subscription and Tiebreaker
In the event of over subscription of candidates meeting the requirement in any of the categories above and a tie-breaker being required to reach a decision, the Academy Trust will use the distance from the centre of the school, as measured by the Local Authority’s Geographic Information System, in a straight line to the front door of the dwelling house, calculated to within two metres.
Parents considering Granville Academy are warmly invited to phone us to make an appointment to visit for a tour. Please contact Miss Hewart on 01283 216765 or via
In-Year Admissions
01283 216765 or
Entry at Year 7
The Academy’s yearly admission limit is 190.
Where applications for admissions exceed the number of places available, the following steps will be used by the governors to allocate places:
- Individual children with a statement of SEN naming Granville Academy.
- Looked After Children or Previously Looked After Children.
- Children who are ordinarily resident in the catchment area of the Academy.
- Children who have a sibling attending Granville at the time of admission. 'Sibling' includes a half-brother or sister, a legally adopted child who is regarded as a brother or a sister, and living in the same family unit.
- All other children not eligible under the above criteria.
For applications for the year of entry received by the closing date, a catchment area school will be determined in relation to the address at which the student is ordinarily resident on that date. Once a waiting list is formed, a child’s place on that list will be updated in light of any new address.
If your child goes to a Derbyshire primary school, you will receive information through your child’s school about how to apply for a Year 7 place. For assistance with applications and appeals please go to
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