On-Line Safety

Online Safety Policy 

What are we doing at Granville Academy?

All internet access at the Academy is filtered, although we can never guarantee that 100% of all offensive content will be blocked. We also monitor all internet and network use and any offending images/text or illegal sites will be flagged up and automatically screen-captured, highlighting the user.

Increasingly, we think that it is also important for students to understand the issues involved in online safety, so we are expanding our Online Safety strategy to include:

  •          Information contained within the weekly Parental Newsletter for parents about online safety     
  •          Additional information on our website
  •          Annual Parent Power session on Online Safety
  •          More frequent discussion about Online Safety issues with staff, governors and parents      
  •          Getting students in ICT to get more hands-on experience with social     networking and how to report offensive images/text, change privacy settings, etc
  •          Provide communication systems for students seeking advice and wishing to discuss issues about online safety
  •          Education through our curriculum subjects, such as Values, about staying safe online
  •          Adding the CEOP button to our website and iPad homescreen


  1.  Never give out personal details online (address, phone number, full name)
  2. Turn off location settings on cameras or photographs you post online may reveal exactly where you took them (eg, on Googlemaps)
  3. Think before you post! Would you say it in real life to someone’s face?
  4. Remember that nothing can ever be permanently deleted -  you leave a digital footprint! Many employers look at applicants online presence…
  5. Don’t download unknown files or click on suspect weblinks – they may contain viruses
  6. Report any concerns or inappropriate content to CEOP using the ‘Report Abuse’ button, including any worrying followers/message senders on social networking sites.
  7. Watch your language & think about your username
  8. Think about any photographs you post – avoid adding names and don’t post pictures in your school uniform
  9. Turn on privacy settings so only trusted friends can see your posts
  10. Never meet anyone you only know online in real-life – they often aren’t what they say/appear


Parental Controls Booklet 2024 

Online Safety Newsletter - July 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - June 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - May 2024 

​Online Safety Newsletter - April 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - March 2024 

​Online Safety Newsletter - February 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - January 2024

Online Safety Newsletter - December 2023 

Online Safety Newsletter - November 2023

Online Safety Newsletter - October 2023

Online Safety Newsletter - September 2023

A Guide to Parental Controls - 2023

Online Safety Newsletter - July 2023 

Online Safety Newsletter - June 2023 

Online Safety Newsletter - May 2023

Online Safety Newsletter - April 2023

​Online Safety Newsletter - March 2023

Online Safety Newsletter - February 2023

Online Safety Newsletter - January 2023

Online Safety Newsletter - December 2022

Online Safety Newsletter - November 2022

Online Safety Newsletter - October 2022

Parental Controls Booklet 2022 

Parental Factsheet - Andrew Tate 2023 

Most students can now access the internet and send photos/video feed via their smartphones, gaming consoles, tablets, etc. Many students will also have their own social networking sites, such as Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. You can find advice and information on many of these sites using the weblink here:

The best approach is to talk to your children about responsible online behaviour and the possible consequences of actions and bad decisions.

You can search for information to help children stay safe here:https://parentinfo.org/ 


The 'What's the Problem' Parent Pack below by The Lucy Faithfull Foundation offers advice about issues relating to Online Safety and inappropriate images and material.

If you are subject to online abuse, exploitation or made to feel uncomfortable online by something that happens, you can contact the police via the CEOP Report Abuse button below and they will investigate: https://www.ceop.police.uk/CEOP-Reporting/ 

You can contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to have content blocked/restricted before it reaches you.

Digital Parenting from Vodafone has been around a long while now, it is a really useful and free reference guide for parents and carers to support their children on line.  Below are links to the most current publication and their other resources.

Digital parenting (vodafone)


Digital Parenting Magazine 


UK Safer Internet Centre:


TikTok app - see below to find out about why police are concerned about how young people using the TikTok app and advice for parents/carers

See the latest information from National Online Safety group about Fortnite 2 and other technology concerns as part of their #WakeUpWednesday campaign:  https://nationalonlinesafety.com/resources/wake-up-wednesday/  

** SnapChat Maps is a new update from SnapChat that could allow children to inadvertently reveal their location and pose a danger. Click below to find out more and how to protect your child.




See below links to online safety guides:

12 Social Media Online Safety Tips 

An Online Safety Guide for Trusted Adults about Likee

Facebook Messenger

FaceApp Online Safety Guide for Trusted Adults 

Facebook Online Safety Guide  

What Parents Need to Know about Instagram 

KIK Parent Guide 

Online Challenges Guide  

Reddit Guide 

Sadfishing Guide 

Snapchat Guide 

Social Media and Mental Health - Positive and Negative Impacts 

Social Media and Mental Health Online Guide for Trusted Adults 

Social Pressures Linked to Friends and Followers - Online Safety Guide 

Social Pressures linked to Likes - Online Safety Guide  

Social Pressures Linked to Influencers - Online Safety Guide 

What Parents need to know about Telegram

TikTok Online Safety Guide 


Tumblr Online Safety Guide 

Twitch Online Safety Guide 

Twitter Online Safety Guide 

WhatsApp Online Safety Guide 

YOLO Online Safety Guide

YouTube Kids Online Safety Guide

YouTube Online Safety Guide 

Yubo Online safety Guide 



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Online Safety Newsletter - October 2023 29th Sep 2023 Download